Celia & Charles
I pray every day for my wife, thanking God for blessing my life with a woman of such outstanding qualities and character. I thank God for giving me the vision to see a gem at first sight! The night we met turned a routine day into a very special one. I remember entering the bus in Papine, Jamaica returning home from university. I was tired as I prepared to head home and get ready for another day. At the time, I was working full time and going to school part-time, in the evening. Entering the bus, I noticed an elegantly dressed young lady sitting in a seat by herself with the other seats taken. As the bus was almost full, I believe the Lord let everyone who entered the bus look at the seat and see an image of me sitting there, although it was empty. I struck up a conversation with her and she was acting as if she was not interested. I knew my charm was hard to resist for long. We started talking and the synergy was amazing. There was no promise, not even a phone call from her, but I gave her my number. She was always in my head, but I had no way of contacting her. I was hoping to see her again, at the same time, during the evenings so I kept looking out for her for a while but never saw her again.
One day my phone rang and I was shocked because, by my estimate, she should have contacted me long ago. It was months since I had last seen her. Well, I went to work right way, charming her. Throughout this time, she was clear about her love for God and church. I was not a Christian so that created some issues. She invited me to church and I visited a few times. She was and still is a very wise woman, who knew that her safety and happiness required God being the head. She bought me a Bible and I started reading. That was when answers to my questions about life started to make sense.
I remembered the very night I proposed to her; it was a very special night. The Lord cleared the sky and provided the stars and constellations as witnesses. They appeared to have replied to her answer of “yes” to be my wife, like a well-choreographed choir supporting their lead singer. You can imagine, it was soothing music to my ears!!! The stars felt so close, I could touch them!
I can truly say God has been leading our lives as we put him and his will first in our individual lives, our marriage and our family. Our love has been like having the sun in your heart each day. What are some of the qualities that make her so special? She loves God! She is easy to work with, not competing and no insecurities. If there is a problem, we handle it in a constructive, realistic and respectful way. We see things from a team perspective, so we work very hard to make sure we understand each situation even when we disagree. We work to build trust, because without trust everything is shaky.
Our wedding day is always fresh in my mind. I cannot forget her velvet skin and I have the pleasure of enjoying my love for the rest of my life! The sparkle in her eyes and the water in mine. Seeing her coming down the aisle was stunning! My life was never the same after we said, “I do!” Over the past 27 years, I can truly say I have had happiness like a fresh rose each day even when I am in a bad mood.
I always think of my wife as a part of my body. With our four special children, what more can I ask for, but to continue to strengthen our love and bond each and every day!
I thank God for my beautiful, loving, caring, charming, adorable wife! She’s truly special, a rare pearl, a gem and a virtuous woman. She is a praying wife and a fantastic mother to our children! Truly honey, you have made my life special beyond words. I love you beyond words!
I wish for both of us many more happy years to come with the blessing of the Most High God!!
By Charles Jackson