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Mission Statement

The Apple Creek Men’s Organization (AMO) is

  • an auxiliary organization of the Apple Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church;
  • is dedicated to promoting spiritual growth, commitment to the work of the church, devotion to the family unit, and fostering unity among all believers with specific emphasis on the men of the church; and
  • seeks to provide opportunities for self-enrichment and recognition of the roles of males in the family, the church, and the community.


AMO forms an integral part in the life of the congregation at Apple Creek.

  • It is poised to explore and unearth hidden talent and “gems” within the congregation, nurture, lead and mentor them to a closer walk with God, which would positively impact the established family relationships and those pursuing such.
  • Self-enrichment and growth are key concepts of the AMO – under the power of the Almighty God, we seek to improve the family, church and community through the actions of the AMO.
  • Listed below are some of the activities engaged in with other partners.
    • ƒ Health Ministries (Walk-a-thon),
    • ƒ Prayer team (As requested),
    • ƒ Pathfinders (Car wash initiative and camp etc.),
    • ƒ Music Committee (Wind & String Recital: post recital refreshment)
    • ƒ Children’s Department (Boys night out),
    • ƒ Family Life (Mother’s Day lunch or whatever unique celebration that is appropriate)
    • ƒ Community Services (provide a significant male presence and assistance in its operations)
    • ƒ Visitation programs in collaboration with other departments
    • ƒ Yearly Scholarship Program
    • ƒ We seek out collaboration or partnerships for other creative initiatives, such as seminars, camp outs, training, health talks, father and sons sporting or outdoor
    • endeavors, father and daughters’ endeavours among others