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Mission Statement

Our mission is to restore those who are affected by crime and incarceration.


  • To take the message of salvation to those who are incarcerated and to care for their families;
  • To plan and arrange aftercare when they leave the institutions and to help them to become better Citizens;
  • To bring hope to them in their time of hopelessness.

As we share the message of hope to them who feel hopeless, rejected and neglected, we see the appreciation and how welcoming they are. It also transforms us to be better Christians, will start to see people through the eyes of Christ. As the Bible said, whatever you do to the least of these you do it unto me. (Matt. 25:40).

It also is very fulfilling when we hear the testimonies of ex-inmates who share that it was the visits that kept them through those dark days when they had no one to visit them. We are very happy to serve in this ministry as we endeavour to serve for the rest of our days with joy and excitement.