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Mission Statement

Our Prayer Ministry is dedicated to creating a culture of continual prayer within our community, seeking God’s wisdom and intervention in all aspects of our lives. We are committed to uplifting and supporting one another through prayer believing in the power of collective intercession to bring about transformation and healing. Our mission is to cultivate a deep and personal relationship with God through prayer and to be a source of strength, hope and encouragement for those in need. Our ultimate goal is to see lives changed, hearts transformed, and God’s kingdom advanced through the power that lies in the weapon of prayer and fasting, thus dismantling satanic strongholds and setting God’s people free.


Our ministry is a vibrant and dynamic community dedicated to the pursuit of a deeper relationship with God through the transformative power of prayer and fasting. We believe that prayer is not just a routine or obligation, but it is a vital and intimate connection with our creator where we seek his guidance, comfort and provision in every aspect of our lives. Included in the key activities of prayer ministry are the following:

  1. Weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-monthly, biannually prayer gatherings: Wednesdays 12:00-2:00p.m. and 7:30-9:00p.m.; 1st Sunday/month 6:00a.m. – Prayer at Dawn; Bi-monthly Prayer and Praise – in person immediately after divine service. For biannual prayer vigils, spring and winter vigils, we come together as a community to intercede for our church, our community, and our nation. These gatherings foster time of worship, intercession and fellowship where we seek the will of God for our lives and community.
  2. Prayer Pairing: Our members are encouraged to pair up and are encouraged to pray for each other regularly. This helps build relationships, provide accountability, and other support in times of need.
  3. We organize prayer walks in our neighbourhoods, schools and other areas of needs where we pray for specific concerns and seek God’s transformation in these places.
  4. We have a system in place for urgent prayer requests, where members can quickly mobilize a network of intercessors to intercede for specific requests as they arise.
  5. Visitation: As a big part of the ministry, we visit persons in nursing homes, hospitals homes to pray with and encourage them during times of need or for Bible studies. If physical visits are not possible, we do video and telephone visits.