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The New Normal

Submit your videos and written responses to [email protected].

1.  What has changed in your daily routine and what new things have you implemented to suit your new lifestyle?

2.  What resources are you using to stay focused and sane during this time?

3.  Do you have a list of bible verses, songs, podcasts and other online platforms you’ve been using to lift your spirits?

4.  Do you find it difficult sticking to plans and goals? What have you been doing to help stay on track?

5.  How has the family dynamic changed during this time? What have you been doing to stay connected and keep things fun?

6.  Have you tried or considered cutting down on digital time?

7.  How are you combating or avoiding boredom? What activities have you been keeping busy with?

8.  The days of the week can sometimes feel monotonous and eventually blend into each other. How have you been making every day feel different, new and fresh?

9.  If working from home with children is the new normal for you, how have you set up a schedule for yourself and homeschooling? And, have you found it difficult to maintain the same level of productivity in completing your tasks?

10. How have you been staying connected with friends/church family? Have you found it difficult to create a sense of community while social distancing?

11. For those of you who are dealing with loss and grieving loved ones in any capacity, how has this time with limited physical interaction affected your mental and emotional state? What coping mechanisms have you been using?

12. Dating during lockdown. Sometimes texting and phone calls aren’t enough, right? Have you come up with ways to keep the relationship alive?